You may wonder why this appears to be in a cat food bowl.
Well, everyone in this household had to do their part before
this food got wasted--including Wee Watson, the house mascot
and Feline Companion. He didn't like it either. |
We eat a lot of the Starkist flavor fresh tuna packs in this house, and I don't know if I bought this salmon one by accident or how exactly it ended up in our house, but it's been here a while. I'd see it on the shelf, but never really knew what to do with it, so there it stayed. Then one day last week, bf was looking for an add-in for his mac and cheese (we usually use the hickory smoked starkist tuna pouch, which is fab), and we were out of everything but the Mango Chipotle Salmon. Not to belittle his choices, but it's pretty clear that mango chipolte and mac and cheese is not going to be a winning flavor combination.
I gamely tried to use up the rest by making a sandwich to take to work, but bottom line is: I just don't really like salmon. I know it's good for me, and I try to eat it sometimes, but I really don't like the taste. I'm officially going to stop trying now.
Not to make this into a rant, but has anyone else ever noticed that there seem to be some foods that you're not allowed to dislike? I grew up a pretty picky eater, so I got used to people getting frustrated when I would refuse to try things. But now I've grown up and I will try almost anything. However, when I tell people that I don't like certain foods, like shrimp, for example, people seem to get offended. "Oh, you must not have had
good shrimp. You should really try it again." Recently bf and I were talking about lobster and I said that I don't think I like it. "Well how many times have you had it? Where did you eat it?"
My answer: "Maine, which is where you go for lobster."
Does this happen to anyone else? Anyway, the reason I bring it up is that the same thing has happened occasionally with salmon, which is why I've eaten it so damn many times. I feel like there's a failure to enjoy salmon on my part--I'm just not trying hard enough, or I haven't had the
right salmon.
Let the record show: I do not care for
parsnips, salmon, shrimp or steak (though I have to admit, I've never eaten steak, but I don't care for any other beef I've ever tried, so why would I waste my money on steak?). That means there's just more for everyone else.