Last month's goals were to pay back savings account to the point where I have 8 months worth of living expenses tucked away; start paying back student loans (only slightly), and be a little less rigid with my money and enjoy life a bit more.
I'm proud to report I've pretty much succeeded in all those. I socked away a whopping $1000 in savings while still throwing $100 at the student loan folks. I'm well on track to my savings goal, and am feeling quite smug for giving money to student loan people. I have no idea why that makes me feel smug, honestly, because I knew I had to pay it back when I borrowed it, and I certainly intend to... How about, instead of smug, we'll say I felt smart.
As to the goal of enjoying myself more. I went out for dinner/drinks with friends a couple nights, and had a lovely time. I've been treating myself to a coffee before work occasionally, which I would have talked myself out of before, and I'm going to take my stylist's advice and get my haircut more than three times a year. Getting a haircut isn't terribly enjoyable, though my stylist is a fascinating and lovely person, but looking good appeals to me much more than looking stringy and bedraggled (as I have been) so there you go.
Goals for November are as follows:
- I'm stocked up on winter clothes, I re-inventoried my closet the other day to remind myself what I already have, so I need to take a huge step back from all these clothes purchases. I would like a pair of black shoes, so I'm going to keep on the hunt for those, but I don't need scarves, jackets, sweaters or any of the other things I really want to buy.
- Continue replenishing savings account while paying a bit toward the student loans. I've decided to go to a library conference on January, so I need to start feeding the travel fund as well. I've asked for scholarship money, but I'm certainly not going to get enough to cover all my expenses and money I lose by missing work, so need to save.
- Try baking bread again. After getting some sage advice from actual bread-bakers, I think I'm better prepared to have another go. Plus, I've got those four packets of yeast--can't waste them.
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